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Monday, September 14, 2009

The Religion of Formula 1

They say in many countries, the game of football is considered a religion.

What about Formula 1 ??

Formula 1 indeed is different to football or many other games that could be played by a vast majority of the public. Whether we like it or not, there would always be around 20 guys who would be lucky enough to jump in to one of the fastest and mechanically most sound vehicles on earth a year to actually compete in the world stage. There would be a few others who would be lucky enough to test a car, few more to work with the car and a few others who would get near a car (off track).

But indeed there are millions who follow the sport on a continuous basis year after year and indeed it is a religion to most of them. The numbers of F1 fans have increased in the recent past mainly due to the sports body of F1 it self penetrating in to the worlds largest populations in Asia. Addition of the track in China and having an Indian driver some time back and now a team carrying the name of the country indeed has increased the viewership for the sport as a whole.

These religious followers would week after week check out information on their favorite teams, drivers and the technical changes each team, car or driver would require to suit a given track.

So this is my little space to share with all other F1 worshippers and talk about car settings, drivers, post mortems of races and have some fun.

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